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The basics of interceptive orthodontics

Interceptive orthodontics is a concept focused on addressing orthodontic issues at an early age – often as early as seven years old, and definitely before the teenage years when a person’s facial structure begins to mature and settle into its permanent form.

When orthodontic issues are present in young children, and orthodontist will be able to assess their facial structure and jaw, then anticipate potential problems like crowding, protruding, and possible needs for corrective surgery and other issues. Intercepting these issues earlier in life provides more treatment options and ultimately reduces treatment time and increases the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.

It’s a misconception that orthodontic treatment can’t take place until all of a child’s adult teeth have erupted. The fact is that it’s easier to correct alignment and other issues while the facial structure is still developing – and this window occurs while most kids still have several milk teeth.

How we intercept early orthodontic problems

Interception mostly involves managing space and growth. This can include expansion work, tooth extraction, and other techniques that create space for uninhibited growth and development. 

The most used techniques in early orthodontic treatment

> Upper jaw expansion

> Early extraction of baby teeth

> Reduction of upper front tooth protrusion

Early orthodontic treatment for children

Thousand Oaks orthodontics

Early orthodontic treatment sets the stage for later phase 2 treatments, can reduce treatment times and costs later in development, and helps ensure the best oral and health and smile.